Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Earth is Hiring

I love what I do. And if I don't love what I'm doing, I stop. So right now, I'm at a temporary job, loving it, and looking for the next, more permanent job. The compass spins.

Sometimes, as I scroll through job listings and Web sites, I stop and think: What the heck do I want to do? As a career, as a lifestyle, as a human. Here is what I've come up with:

1. I want to write: I want to write words that are true, words that are pretty, and words that stick.
2. I want to serve: I want everything I do to serve a purpose, to help, to sustain, to resound.
3. I want to be away from a desk and computer when I am not writing: Yeah, barefoot would be nice, too.

It's easy, especially when writing cover letters and tailoring resumes, to forget. But then I read something like this commencement speech from Paul Hawken, and the sun is out again. Here is an excerpt:

When asked if I am pessimistic or optimistic
about the future, my answer is always the same:
If you look at the science about what is
happening on earth and aren't pessimistic, you
don't understand data. But if you meet the people
who are working to restore this earth and the
lives of the poor, and you aren't optimistic, you
haven't got a pulse.


flask said...

hi. i have nothing of any importance to say except that i'm following along, and that i appreciate the grace of your words.

be blessed, barefoot, employed, and happy.

!JHwe said...

Barefoot Rocks!

gucci-shoes-bags said...
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evolllove said...

i'm a student, and ur question 'what i wanna do' touched me, just because i'm asking myself what to do with my speciality... it's hard to decide... i feel big responibility... :o

and the last sentence - i absolutely agree with You!

Anonymous said...

That was great. You have balance and it takes years for some to achieve that. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Thats like talking straight from your heart... wish more people could be like you... but the need to conform is so pressing at times, you just cant say what you actually want to.

Anonymous said...

Thats like talking straight from your heart... wish more people could be like you... but the need to conform is so pressing at times, you just cant say what you actually want to.

el. said...

great :D
i love the lil excerpt ^^


KP said...

No matter what you do, you are sure to make waves! Good luck moving mountains :)

Kelly said...

I so feel you....