Monday, January 11, 2010

This American Life

I know I've moved to D.C. because I had my first dream about Obama -- in this scene, going to a Roman Catholic church (?) with my family.

I know I'm a writer, because I woke up at 4:30 a.m. from said dream and knew I was going to blog that sentence.

My first working day in the city and I'm feeling equal parts recharged, excited and daunted. As a naive Floridian, the metro is still exciting, the diversity surprising, and the hills and snow welcome.

Vienna, Virginia, where I'm staying, is possibly the perfect American town. This might be an overstatement -- especially to anyone stuck in Tysons Corner traffic. But the libraries overflow and the rec center and bike trails are full, and after 18 years of flat, suburbs-of-suburbs Florida, I relish the dynamics of the community.

Also there is a vegan restaurant, Trader Joes and Whole Foods within a couple of miles.

Among my news years resolutions are to sustain my blog weekly,write more for SAJAForum, and read more while IPod-ing less. And with a new city at my fingertips, I know I'll have plenty to share.


Elisa said...

Hi, I stumbed into your blog by the "next blog" button. I like your writing style as I was reading a novel.
I'm sure it's quite a change from Florida to Virginia

job said...
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TwilightCHA said...


gucci-shoes-bags said...
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